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asked to share utility expense

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asked to share utility expense

Postby ppgta » Wed Nov 07, 2007 2:21 am

i rented 1 room of one of the units in a private house with 5 units (rent included utility, were not asked to sign any contract or lease) close to our university campus. early this year landlord moved to the warm south. his son took the task to oversight the rental business.

right around February his son asked me to share the untility expense because of the energy price. with good heart and not so complicated mind i agreed and paid the share ever since. few days ago i told one of my classmates. she told me this website, according to her what landlord did was wrong. hope the viewers out there can shade light on this subject.

thanks million... :?:
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Postby TenantNet » Wed Nov 07, 2007 7:17 am

It sounds like this is a rooming house, not a regular apartment. Do you have a lease? If not, then LL can change the terms on 30 days notice. That means he can change it from not paying utilities to adding the cost of utilities in. But if they do that, then it should be a fixed amount or a percentage based on a bill that everyone sees. I don't think any law covers this for non-regulated units.
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more to the story and help needed

Postby ppgta » Wed Nov 07, 2007 10:10 am

Thanks a lot for your input! No lease or contract.

Must the 30 days notice you mentioned be a written notice? Is verbal agreement legitimate or has any merits in court?

In August I told landlord's son I planned to move out. The moving date was set for Sep 30, 2007. Then on Sept 23 Sunday 8.00pm landlord (he was in town for the week) told me that I had to move out by Wednesday Sept 26. Because two girls wanted to move in. But the very next day I had to travel to New York City for an emergency care forum, and I couldn't move in the new place until Sept 29. It's not even time left for me to rent a storage or crash at my friend's (a lot stuffs need to be moved). The landlord told me if I could pay the half rent for the Oct, Nov, Dec to compensate him (he claimed he could not find another student for the rest of this semester) he would turn down the girls. At that time, I had no choice and technically forced to verbally agree with his terms (no writing, no recording at all). Two weeks later I found out this unit was under renovation...

Do I legally bind by the verbal terms? I am in year third clinical internship right now, really won't have the time to spend in court room.

Thank you guys for the input I can get!
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Postby TenantNet » Wed Nov 07, 2007 12:20 pm

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