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Abbreviations and Acronyms used on this board

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Abbreviations and Acronyms used on this board

Postby TenantNet » Tue Jun 20, 2006 7:26 am

Certain terms are used so often in the Landlord/Tenant world that a shorthand has developed. It's often used in court, but also on this board. These are some of the more popular abbreviations or acronyms.

OP = Original Poster (starts a thread on the forum)
LL = landlord (sometimes just "L")
Ten = tenant (sometimes just "T")
LL/T = Landlord/Tenant
RC = Rent Control
RS = Rent Stabilized
RR = rent regulated
DHCR = New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal
MCI = Major Capital Improvement
RGB = Rent Guidelines Board
PAR = Petition for Administrative Review
A78 = Article 78 (a judicial appeal in NYS Supreme Court under Article 78 of the CPLR challenging a decision of DHCR.
CPLR = Civil Practive Law and Rules (compilation of New York State Procedural Law)
RSL = Rent Stabilization Law
RSC = Rent Stabilization Code
MDL = Multiple Dwelling Law
MRL = Multiple Residence Law (like MDL for upstate areas)
HMC = Housing Maintenance Code
HPD = NYC Dept. of Housing, Preservation and Development
ETPA = Emergency Tenant Protection Act (1974) that allows municipalities to opt into rent stabilization. Must be renewed periodically.
RRR = Return receipt requested
PT = Prime tenant
RO = rent overcharge
IT = illusory tenant or illusory tenancy
SOL = Statute of Limitations
S.O. (usually with periods: "So Ordered" when a judge signs a decision or stipulation)
Stip = shorthand for Stipulation, often to adjourn cases but also can be used to "stipulate to the facts" of a case.
SRO = Single Room Occupancy
ML = Mitchell Lama
ST = subtenant
RM = Roommate
MTM = Month to Month (can be M-T-M or M2M)
SCC = Small Claims Court
MBR = Maximum Base Rent (used for RC)
MCR = Maximum Collectible Rent (used for RC)
O/T = Off Topic, usually a topic not dealing with tenant issues.

Some abbreviations are taken from the DHCR shorthand for assigning docket numbers to cases ... usually the last two letters. See http://tenant.net/DHCR_info/pubs/docket.html

Internet Terms (there are many more, but here's a few)

IMO or IMHO = In [my] Humble Opinion
FYI = if you don't know then you need help
RTFM = Read the F'ing Manual
BTW = By the Way
AFAIK = As far as I know
ROTFL = Rolling on the floor laughing

In all honesty, some of these are not used all that often, but others are. If you have others, add a reply here and periodically we'll update the master list. But please, don't invent acronyms if it doesn't really exist.
Last edited by TenantNet on Wed Jul 19, 2006 6:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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more defs w/links

Postby Anna » Wed Jun 21, 2006 10:58 am

L&T Terms:

Search property records and view document images for Manhattan, Queens, Bronx, and Brooklyn back to 1966 (deeds, mortgages, liens, etc)

CO, C/O, CoO: Certificate of Occupancy, posted on DOB's website

DOB: NYC Dept of Buildings: http://nyc.gov/buildings
DOB BIS:DOB online database on individual buildings

DOF: NYC Dept of Finance. Look up real estate tax records for any building, search for J-51 tax abatement. http://nyc.gov/dof

FMRA: T challenge to the initial LRR on an apt moving from RC to RS due to voluntary vacancy, similar to RO but different rules & deadlines.

HC: NYC Housing Court: http://nycourts.gov/courts/nyc/housing/index.shtml

Housing Court Decisions on TN (& other L&T decisions from SC & appellate courts): http://www.tenant.net/Court/Hcourt/index.html

HMC: New York City Housing Maintenance Code establishes the minimum standards for health, safety, fire protection, light, ventilation, cleanliness, etc.: http://housingnyc.com/html/resources/hmc/hmc.html

HP Action: Lawsuit brought in NYC Housing Court by tenants, tenant groups or other interested parties to compel landlord to repair hazardous conditions in apartments or buildings.
http://nycourts.gov/courts/nyc/housing/ ... sguide.pdf

J-51: Tax exemption and abatement for residential rehabilitation or conversion to multiple dwellings; in general, apartments are RS while LL is receiving this benefit. http://www.nyc.gov/html/hpd/html/developers/j51.shtml
Check the status of any building, 1972-to-date: http://webapps.nyc.gov:8084/cics/cwba/dfhwbtta/abhq

LRR: Legal Regulated Rent: the RS rent registered by LL w/DHCR. It may or may not actually be the rent LL is legally allowed to charge T.

MDL: Multiple Dwelling Law, NY state, establishes the minimum standards for health, safety, fire protection, light, ventilation, cleanliness, etc.: reference version: http://www.tenant.net/Other_Laws/MDL/mdltoc.html
official NYS law: http://public.leginfo.state.ny.us/menug ... QUERY=LAWS

MDR: Multiple Dwelling Registration, required for all buildings of 3 or more residential units in NYC, type in address here: http://www.nyc.gov/html/hpd/html/home/home.shtml

ML: Mitchell-Lama Developments-City-Owned and State-Owned, rentals and co-operatives.
NYC-owned: http://www.nyc.gov/html/hpd/html/apartm ... lama.shtml
http://www.nyc.gov/html/hpd/downloads/p ... -rules.pdf
NYS-owned: http://www.dhcr.state.ny.us/ohm/ohm.htm
ML Tenants Asoc: http://www.save-ml.org/index.php

NYLJ: New York Law Journal, http://www.law.com/jsp/nylj/index.jsp

NYSlip: The New York Slip Opinion Service: provides access to recently released decisions prior to publication in the Official Reports, together with an electronic citation for each decision. Opinions selected for on-line publication only are also available. http://www.courts.state.ny.us/reporter/Decisions.htm

OASIS: New York City Open Accessible Space Information System Cooperative: clickable maps of NYC: property data, aerial photo, infrared, parks, links to NYC sites.

PR: Preferential Rent: RS rent that is lower than the LRR; some PRs endure throughout the tenancy, others can expire at the end of a renewal term by the terms in the PR clause and/or by virtue of the 07/03 amendment to the RSL. see DHCR FactSheet #40 http://www.dhcr.state.ny.us/ora/ora.htm and examples of whole-tenancy PR:
Colonnade et al, affirmed by AT1:
Aijaz, affirmed by AT2:

RPAPL: Real Property Actions and Proceedings Law, NY state.
# Article 7 -- Summary Proceeding to Recover Possession of Real Property
# Article 7-A -- Special Proceedings by Tenants of Dwellings in the City of New York and the Counties of Nassau, Suffolk, Rockland and Westchester for Judgment Directing Deposit of Rents and the Use Thereof for the Purpose of Remedying Conditions Dangerous to Life, Health or Safety
# Article 8 -- Waste and Other Actions and Rights of Action for Injury to Real Property
Informational copy: http://www.tenant.net/Other_Laws/index.html

RPL:Real Property Law, NY state. Ownership, title, interest and rental of real property; brokers. Article 7 = L&T: laws other than eviction/ejectment.
Informational copy: http://www.tenant.net/Other_Laws/index.html

U&O: use and occupancy: payment by an occupant to the landlord for the right to use and occupy a premises. The occupant is not a tenant, or once may have been a tenant, but the landlord/tenant relationship has since been terminated [which is why it is not called RENT].

TN: Tenant Net, usually the website http://tenant.net/index.html , sometimes the man.

Westlaw: New York Official Reports Service: provides access to opinions of the New York Court of Appeals, the Appellate Division, the Appellate Term, the Supreme Court and miscellaneous courts. All opinions dated from January 1, 2000. http://government.westlaw.com/nyofficia ... pinfo=HOME

Housing Court Terms:

http://nycourts.gov/courts/nyc/housing/ ... ions.shtml

Internet Terms:

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