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Violent Dog

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Violent Dog

Postby RC5000 » Mon Jul 22, 2019 9:30 pm

A tenant in my building recently got a dog.

She's a small person; the dog is a large black lab.

Most labs I've encountered are quite friendly.

I have a dog. I've been around dogs most of my life. There are many dogs in my building and I get along with all of them.

But from the first, her dog was aggressive towards me, growling angrily when I'm nearby. And even if I'm not nearby her dog is focused on me.

So now I am nervous for my safety going into the lobby.

I haven't contacted the management yet.

What to do?
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Re: Violent Dog

Postby TenantNet » Tue Jul 23, 2019 1:32 am

First I would document any incidents. Keep a smartphone with you to take photos and record audio.
- Does the owner keep the dog on a leash?
- Have you spoken to the owner about the dog's behavior?
- Is the dog aggressive to any other tenant(s)?
- Is this a young dog? You said the tenant just recently got the dog. You could ask the tenant to take the dog to behavioral management classes - I believe there are such things.
- If there are any signs the owner is mistreating the dog, you can lodge complaints about that.
- Put any complaints on record. If it gets too bad, then notify the LL as ultimately, the LL might be responsible for any negligence on his/her part.
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Re: Violent Dog

Postby RC5000 » Tue Jul 23, 2019 11:39 am

The smartphone is a good idea. It seems rather aggressive on my part but may be necessary.

The dog is on a leash.
I have not talked to her. I'm writing a note to be given to her.
I don't know about other tenants. I've seen her in the lobby only a few times since she got the dog.
I assume it's a young dog. Behavior management school is a good idea.
No signs the dog is mistreated (but I wouldn't know). I doubt that in any case. This is her second dog (to my knowledge). The first one had a long decline and she seemed to be devoted to him.
And I do plan on notifying the LL.
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Re: Violent Dog

Postby TenantNet » Tue Jul 23, 2019 11:52 am

It might be better to talk to the tenant at first; you might get a good response, but you might not. At least doing that, you will have tried and there might be a solution that doesn't involve the landlord ... which is not good for either of you.

Your post is labeled "Violent Dog," and you describe what you perceive as some sort of aggressive behavior. However, you don't say if the dog has actually attacked you and that you've only seen it a few times. Is it possible you might be jumping to conclusions?
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Re: Violent Dog

Postby RC5000 » Tue Jul 23, 2019 10:31 pm

I've thought about this. When her dog showed hostility to me she said nothing. it was like a nonevent, even though it was pretty obvious. Now if I'm in the lobby when she leaves she totally ignores me, as well as on the street. I mean, if my dog made aggressive moves towards someone I'd be very apologetic. That's the right thing to do. For her...well, I have no idea why she acts like this. Weird.

The dog is very focused on me, the few times we've been in the lobby at the same time. I don't want to end up in the hospital. I don't think I'm overreacting.
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