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next step with DOB inspectors?

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next step with DOB inspectors?

Postby nyshome » Fri Jan 18, 2008 1:57 am

A former neighbor of mine, has run into a problem with the buildings next door. I am trying to help find some answers.
He has lived in his RS apt, on the UWS, for over 35 years. Last summer, the brownstones next door were sold and are now vacant. I have searched the DOB and there has been a NB application filed, no permits approved.

The concern is that construction work and demolition may be going on behind closed doors. Several of the neighbors have called 311 and reported work sounds and sights. The DOB has sent inspectors out on several occasions. Notices have been posted on the front door, but since the buildings are vacant the inspectors are never there when workers are; they have not gained access.

The neighbors are worried that if work is going on without proper permits & oversights their own building could be compromised.
Is there any way to move this to the next level and have the DOB request someone from the LL meet the inspectors so they can take a look inside?
I know, why would the LL do that? Does the DOB have the authority to do that?

Right now everyone is going in circles but nothing is actually getting done.
Any info to point me in the right direction would be appreciated.
Thanks for your time.
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Postby cestmoi123 » Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:00 am

Is your friend's LL the same person who now owns the brownstones? If not, I'd go to your friend's LL as well. If the owner of neighboring property is doing unpermitted work that endangers his property, he'd definitely want to know about it.

Postby nyshome » Fri Jan 18, 2008 1:10 pm

No, they are not the same. I'm told that the tenants have notified their LL of the situation and their concerns. They (the tenants) have been vocal to anyone who'll listen but seem to have reached a dead end.
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Postby Emeraldstar » Fri Jan 18, 2008 10:19 pm

Hi All
Try sending a letter RRR to the comissioner of the DOB explaining the situation and see if an arrangement can be made to inform the DOB when the work is occuring, maybe cell to cell, perhaps they can send an inspector as it's occuring. Someone would have to act as a lookout.
Maybe one of those news investigators might try the story?
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Postby nyshome » Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:35 pm

Thank you both. Appreciate the good thoughts and I'll pass them along.
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Postby jkgal » Tue Mar 04, 2008 5:57 pm


This is really, really simple. Call 311 and report that you suspect construction work being done without a permit. An inspector will go to the subject building, and likely, if that's the case, an ECB (Environmental Control Board) violation will be issued, which comes with a hefty fine attached. Then, the new building's owner will have a difficult time obtaining the necessary construction permit if the fine is not paid to the city first.

Or, you may go to the DOB website on nyc.gov (simply hit the drop down menu and go to the Department marked 'Buildings'), go to the BIS information system area, provide the subject building's address, and look to see what's happening. In addition, you may go to the HPD website (a similar procedure to that of the DOB, except in the nyc.gov drop down menu you indicate 'Housing Preservation and Development' instead of 'Buildings'), plug in the subject building's address, and see who the owner is, and what's going on. Ditto for propertyshark.com. You may 'email the commissioner' on the DOB website about the problem as well.

Please don't hesitate to act about your suspicions, since harmful actions may be taking place as you wait.

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Postby nyshome » Wed Mar 05, 2008 6:15 pm

Thank you for your info and time. Many calls were made to 311 and the DOB, and they did send inspectors; issue was the inspectors could not gain access to the buildings because no one was on site.
Finally, after some time passed, the inspectors made it into the buildings to look around. Their conclusion was that they saw no evidence of construction in progress.
Everyone is still keeping a watchful eye, as the owner has started the paperwork toward demolition and the neighborhood has real concerns over how this will happen.
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Postby jkgal » Fri Mar 07, 2008 2:54 pm


Yes, the DOB-inspector-not-obtaining-access-and/or-not-seeing-a-problem does, surely happen. My suggestions are to keep on calling 311 (but provide details, such as the off-hours during which you hear/see work taking place, if this is the case, even if you've provided this previously), check the building's address in the BIS area of the DOB's website, as I'd described below, to see what's going on, permit and violation-wise, and also contact other agencies through 311 (like, possibly, DEP - if something extremely untoward is going on) . ***FYI, sometimes, you may have completely different results from inspector to inspector.*** Is there any other issue, impacting a neighboring property, which might require inspectors to inspect the neighboring property? Building owners who are doing underhanded things seem to be extremely proficient at not getting caught!

Good luck.

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Location: New York City

Postby hermes77 » Fri Oct 23, 2009 4:50 pm

You might try helping the inspector get in. I'm not advocating breaking in, but perhapse you could scout out the property, and see if there is a way in. Typically the inspector will try thr front door, but if there is say a basement door in the back that is unlocked, you may be able to meet the inspector and go in and let him in through the front door. This would also be a good opportunity to take pictures, which may be helpful.
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