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Illegal Actions By Landlord

Public Housing (NYCHA), SRO, HUD, HPD, Mitchell Lama, Lofts, Coop/Condo

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Illegal Actions By Landlord

Postby michelle » Sun May 26, 2002 2:02 pm

It's a long story but I'll try to sum it up. I had been living in apartment for over a year when I started bringing my boyfriend over. Soon after my landlord complained (in an inappropriate manner) and shortly thereafter gave me an eviction notice. I complied and moved out in under a month without a fight mostly because I had wanted to leave anyway. Now, almost a month since I left, he is still holding my security deposit and threatening to take money out of it for every day my boyfriend stayed over. There was nothing in my lease that said he could do that. I believe that both the eviction and his desire to take my security deposit are illegal. There is much more to the story which I feel gives me an extremely strong case. PLease give me any suggestions or leads to clear this up. I just want my money back. Thanks. :confused:
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Re: Illegal Actions By Landlord

Postby consigliere » Sun May 26, 2002 2:52 pm

You don't say what type of apartment you lived in (it doesn't appear to be NYCHA, Mitchell-Lama, HUD, etc.) or whether you had a lease, but you should not have moved out so quickly.

Under the roommate law (Section 235-f of the Real Property Law), you had the right to move your boyfriend in permanently. Even if the lease provided for additional charges for your boyfriend staying over, such a provision would be void and unenforceable.

You'll probably have to sue your landlord in small claims court to get your security deposit back, although you could also contact the Attorney General's office,
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