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My roommate has been doing drugs

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My roommate has been doing drugs

Postby Kimba2793 » Tue Nov 24, 2020 2:01 am

So, I have an old friend who moved in with my partner and I in our house. She was paying rent for 1 month and only stayed here less than 4 weeks. SHE IS NOT ON MY LEASE AND WE DO NOT HAVE ANY WRITTEN AGREEMENT.
It came to my attention after she moved in that she was taking things from us. She apparently hid the fact that she has a court date to be sentenced for stealing $30,000 from her grandmother and a few other things.
So we caught her on camera taking my prescription medicine off our counter. She took 8 of them and when confronted gave me excuses and then eventually admitted to it and apologized. She is in the process of moving out and she is not allowed back into the home due to stealing. But as we were cleaning up her room (garbage and food everywhere) we found a evidence that she's had some hard drugs in our home. We confronted her again and she lied, again. But I have no clue as to what to do from here. Like I don't know who to contact or who to talk to about the things in her room. I do not want to touch anything and I also don't want it in the house anymore. Please help a girl out. Thank you.
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Re: My roommate has been doing drugs

Postby TenantNet » Tue Nov 24, 2020 6:57 am

Well, this is not really a landlord/tenant issue unless as a roommate that you want out and she is refusing to leave. In such case, you would need to commence a licensee proceeding in your local court (you apparently are in upstate NYS). Depending on the facts, you might be operating in a landlord capacity, so you want to be cautious about violating any rights she may have. I would consult with a local attorney who knows your local laws.

But that appears not to be the case here as you say she has already moved out. You don't make it clear if she just hasn't finished moving her things or has abandoned them.

You want to be careful not to make an issue that you might be seen invading her privacy by going through her things.

If this former roommate needs help to deal with the drug issue, unless there is evidence of danger to you or her, I would be careful about going to the police (it also might depend on what sort of drugs they are and the amount). I would contact your local social service agencies for guidance on how to follow-up.

I would be cautious and not do any thing that might elicit a reaction.
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