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Certificate of Non Harassment for SRO - My rights??

Public Housing (NYCHA), SRO, HUD, HPD, Mitchell Lama, Lofts, Coop/Condo

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Certificate of Non Harassment for SRO - My rights??

Postby Clopin333 » Fri Aug 29, 2008 2:58 pm

I currently live in an SRO in Harlem. The Landlord recently sent us Certificate of Non Harassment papers to sign. I have not signed them.

If I choose to sign them, am I essentially giving up all my rights as an SRO tenant? Does this negate all of my protections I get from living in an SRO?

Any help clarifying this would be great! THanks
Last edited by Clopin333 on Sun May 01, 2022 5:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Certificate of Non Harassment for SRO - My rights??

Postby TenantNet » Fri Aug 29, 2008 3:55 pm

That would be Local Law 19 applying to SROs (some areas of town are also covered by special district non-harassment provisions).

What that means is that the LL wants to do something to the building. You need to find out what he wants to do. This is triggered by his seeking and ALT 1 permit, which most likely will involve major changes to the building.

The non-harassment clause means that when a LL wants to alter a building, he must obtain a Certificate of Non-Harassment from HPD. HPD usually asks tenants if they have been subject to any harassment in the last three years. If there has, then he can't get the ALT permit (there are some "cure" provisions in some cases, but don't know if that would apply to you).

If you're in Harlem, contact the Harlem Tenants Council at 212-234-5005. They just moved to 21 West 130th Street Ground Floor so I don't know if the phone is working or what the hours are. Also your local community board might know what is happening (they should have copies of the LL's application), but I'd trust a tenant group first. Many community boards are just political hacks appointed by anti-tenant politicians ... and you have some real bad pols up in Harlem.

Signing these papers could put you at risk depending on what the LL is up to. Do the research.
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