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How do deal with LL who suddenly became evil?

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How do deal with LL who suddenly became evil?

Postby Bineck » Tue Sep 26, 2017 2:22 pm

First and foremost, this website is a great resource with great info.

My LL had been great for 3 years with no rent increases. Sep 2016 when our lease was due to expire, LL wanted a 5% increase to which we were perfectly okay with, but at the same time we showed the leaking fridge, leaking living room window, and broken front storm door. Landlord left our premises stating they would have someone look at the issues.

A year passed (with no repairs) but LL continued to accept the original rent amount until August 2017. Now LL, who speaks little English, sent her daughter stating Sept 2017 amount will be 10% higher. I told daughter that there were a list of repairs to be done and thought a 10% hike was a bit too much.

In the back and forth texting (LL and daughter refuse to talk on phone or in person) they are adament on the 10% increase, will only replace the fridge and window. The tone in their behavior has drastically change nothing less of being extremely rude, etc. I don't know how to go about this. LL and her family was extremely nice and courteous until this past August. I can't figure out the turn around?

Since we are on a month to month, I was prepared to sign a new lease agreeing to a 10% increase but they refuse to meet or talk (they only live a block away).

I badly want to take this matter to Housing Court. Should I bother pursuing this?
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Re: How do deal with LL who suddenly became evil?

Postby TenantNet » Tue Sep 26, 2017 2:58 pm

I would try as hard as I could to resolve this without going to court. You say you are month-to-month, and I presume there's no chance you could be rent regulated (6+ units in pre-1974 building).

Not being rent regulated, the LL can force you out quickly. Being M2M, the LL can give you 30-days written notice and that's it. If you bring a HP case in Housing Court, that might trigger the LL to force you out. Yes, there's an anti-retaliation clause in the law, but I've seen LL's skirt around that pretty easily, and then after 6 months, that doesn't hold.

I'm not suggesting you give up on the repairs or the rent increase, but keep negotiating.
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Re: How do deal with LL who suddenly became evil?

Postby Bineck » Tue Sep 26, 2017 3:40 pm

Yes this is a private 2 family house and I'm on the 2nd Fl. I have no problems with the increase, its just the sudden attitude change that has me boiling. The LL only verbally requested the increase. I want to do the agreement in writing. We only agreed on the new amount recently. The LL now wants the extra 10% on Sept 2017 rent, which we paid already.

I will move out.......but I just want to create a headache for this LL before I do. If the matter goes toward eviction proceedings.......how long does that take?

Thanks for your help!
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Re: How do deal with LL who suddenly became evil?

Postby TenantNet » Tue Sep 26, 2017 4:37 pm

So put a hold on the anger (I've been there so I know what its' like) and solve the problem. The increase won't happen unless there's a 30-day written notice of the increase (so don't push it).

If you instead want to make a stink, then commence a HP proceeding in Housing Court.
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Re: How do deal with LL who suddenly became evil?

Postby Bineck » Tue Sep 26, 2017 4:52 pm

Okay. I have cleared all the anger out and thinking fresh.

This is a new LL. Do I wait for a written increase or ask for one? My only issue is that the LL doesn't wish to speak to me. Texting is not my style for an agreement.

Thanks again.
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Re: How do deal with LL who suddenly became evil?

Postby TenantNet » Tue Sep 26, 2017 5:01 pm

I would not ask for one. I would rely on their stupidity or inexperience and not pay any increase unless and until there's a proper written notice. See the discussion in the M2M section of the forum's reference section.

Take photos of any condition needing repair. Make sure the LL is on written notice of the bad conditions.
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Re: How do deal with LL who suddenly became evil?

Postby Bineck » Tue Sep 26, 2017 5:40 pm

Thanks very much. I totally appreciate your insight!
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Re: How do deal with LL who suddenly became evil?

Postby Bineck » Tue Oct 10, 2017 2:08 pm

I just wanted to give an update on this issue:

Since my last post, neither myself nor the LL had any communication. The 1st of the month rolled around. Still nothing. Then today, finally.......I decided to confront the LL and ask what my status was (especially since I had not paid rent).

Thanks god (with divine intervention) we signed a new lease. Glad to have resolved this matter.

Thanks very much for your help and guidance.
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Re: How do deal with LL who suddenly became evil?

Postby TenantNet » Tue Oct 10, 2017 2:45 pm

Glad it worked out.
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