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Am I guaranteed lease renewal w/unregulated appt.?

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Am I guaranteed lease renewal w/unregulated appt.?

Postby mattingly » Mon Aug 05, 2002 6:43 pm

I live in a brownstone in Park Slope. Our lease expires at the end of the month, and this is our first year here. Our rent is $2000/mo, and the lease says nothing about renewal on it.

I guess its not stabilized or regulated? What does this mean? Does the landlord have the right not to renew my lease?

I checked the "Am I stabilized" tool and it didn't show up.

When I asked about our new lease my landlord said she'd give it to us at the end of the month. I pressed her and then she said on the 15th. It still sounds fishy.
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Re: Am I guaranteed lease renewal w/unregulated appt.?

Postby ChrisG » Mon Aug 05, 2002 9:37 pm

worst case scenario: the lease ends and she doesn't give you a new lease, you'd be a month-to-month renter. if she wants you out then, she must give you at least 30 days' notice. but most LL's would rather just sit back and continue to rake in the dough, so she's probably not trying to get you out (unless you guys have a history of not getting along). keep pressing her for the lease, or just go with the month-to-month thing if you think you can trust her.
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Re: Am I guaranteed lease renewal w/unregulated appt.?

Postby mattingly » Tue Aug 06, 2002 1:08 am

Ok, so my last question is that if she doesn't give us the lease by the end of this month, and we're month to month, are we automatically month to month at the current rate? or on the first of the next month can she say, here's your 30 day notice, *and* the rent is now $500 more? Meaning she can raise the rent on us with no notice and we won't be able to afford it, essentially kicking us out.

She doesn't like us, but we are incredibly good tenents.. Her complaints against us are so absurdly petty that they border on hillariously funny if it weren't for the fact that she takes them so seriously.
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Re: Am I guaranteed lease renewal w/unregulated appt.?

Postby mjr203 » Tue Aug 06, 2002 10:31 am

good luck...

side point most brownstones are under 6 units and not rent stabilized I believe...
most Landlords suck it.
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Re: Am I guaranteed lease renewal w/unregulated appt.?

Postby mattingly » Fri Aug 16, 2002 1:55 pm

I know, she's rediculous. It will take an act of god for her to find tenants as good as us.

So to be clear, she still needs to give us notice even if she doesn't intend to keep us, but only intends not to renew, right?
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Joined: Mon Aug 05, 2002 1:01 am

Re: Am I guaranteed lease renewal w/unregulated appt.?

Postby NYHawk » Fri Aug 16, 2002 10:01 pm

what is the law that say if your a month to month tenant and the landlord wants to raise the rent he or she has to first give the month to month tenant 30 days written notice?? THANKS
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