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The base Legal Rent

NYC Rent Regulation: Rent Control/Rent Stabilized, DHCR Practice/Procedures

Moderator: TenantNet

Re: The base Legal Rent

Postby TenantNet » Sat Sep 15, 2018 6:40 pm

Sorry for the delay. Please flesh this out by answering these questions:

Was the SC case an A78 appeal brought in Supreme Court after DHCR made its final decision, or did you file the case originally in SC?

Who filed the case in SC - was it the LL or T? When you say "We" was this a tenant association, or just a few tenants?

Who is your attorney (if you wish, you can tell us via Private Mail)

What was the reason for the motions? How were they decided?

You say you were misled, by whom? The court? Your attorney, the LL's attorney? What did they say or represent that misled you?

You say your rent went from $258 to $600 (PR) to a supposed legal rent of $1200. Did your atty go along with this? There are times to compromise, but there needs to be a good reason and you need to be told all the facts. More over, you need to agree to it. On the surface this doesn't sound like a good deal.

But we can't really opine on this more than that without seeing the stip and the underlying decision from DHCR, if any. There's a lot left out in your description.

FYI, on a stip, when you are represented by an attorney, they can come up with whatever they come up with. You need to say no, or to object. If your atty did something wrong, you probably need to get a new atty. And to vacate a stip when you have a lawyer - is not easy at all.
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