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Suing a landlord after moving out

NYC Housing Court Practice/Procedures

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Suing a landlord after moving out

Postby yoerez » Tue Nov 10, 2015 3:10 am

This is a very long story but I'll try to summarize it, I live in a building for 5 years and for reasons that I don't believe are justified my building management company decided they didn't want me in the building anymore but instead of going to court and getting an eviction notice, they setup a 24 hour ultimatum and basically scared me into signing a form saying I will vacate the apartment by the end of the month.

Whether this method is legal or not, it is immoral and unethical and cost me a lot of money in moving expenses. I would like to take them to court for damages and I would love some recommendations for good lawyers in NYC (preferably Brooklyn or Harlem) who specialize in tenant law and matters such as "Rent stabilized apartments" and "Preferential Rent"

Thank you!
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Re: Suing a landlord after moving out

Postby TenantNet » Tue Nov 10, 2015 7:54 am

I don't think it's legal, but a lot depends on the details. You don't say, but are you rent regulated? If the LL tells you that you are not rent regulated, is there a chance you might be? (the LL does not make that decision in the end).

If not rent regulated, do you have a lease? And if you don't have a lease, or if it has expired, did the LL give you 30 day's written notice as required for month-to-month tenants?

Please explain the fact pattern as we really can't offer an opinion without knowing your status and what has transpired.

You mention preferential rent at the end ... that implies you might be rent stabilized. What documents do you have? Anything on preferential rent? Anything?

As for lawyers a number of tenant attorneys advertise on TenantNet.
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