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Moving to NYC from Scotland

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Moving to NYC from Scotland

Postby Rlerldoni » Wed Apr 03, 2019 11:09 am

Hey, my name is Andy & it's always been a dream of mine to move to New York City, the problem is I live in Scotland, UK - and I've heard it's tough to move to the US from the UK.

How much money would I need to save? The areas I'd prefer living in are: Upper East Side of Manhattan, Upper West Side, Midtown West, Midtown East. I'd prefer not to live in Brooklyn or any outer boroughs.

I'm looking for a job in either Journalism or Fashion (or even both, if it makes me more money!) How hard would it be for a Scot to make it in New York, earning a good wage and affording rent, food, clothes - all of the essential needs?

I'd rather not live with a roommate, but when I move to NY I realise it'd be a lot easier if I do to get my feet on the ground, so I don't mind until I'm used to the city.

I've been to New York for a week before, and I fell in love with it. I visited several places out of "the city", like Harroman and surrounding areas and wouldn't mind living there, seeing as the train is so close and easy into the city.

Any advice would be amazing - my biggest worry is money. I would be paying monthly rent obviously, but hope to OWN an apartment in the end, and the average I've seen for a nice apt in the areas I want are $250,000-$300,000 and I can't afford that right now.

Again, if you could recommend any fashion schools I could study at, whilst working at some newspaper/magazine company. I realise I've got my work cut out for me and I'm going to struggle, but I won't let it get on top of me.

Thank you :-)

Re: Moving to NYC from Scotland

Postby TenantNet » Wed Apr 03, 2019 12:03 pm

This site is primarily for tenants who are already living in a NYC apartment, and who are having problems, i.e., lack of services, harassment, overcharge, evictions, etc. It is not for people in your situation who are just thinking about coming to NYC.

Unless you have an absolute reason to be in NYC, I hear Scotland is a very lovely place.

You think you can buy an apartment for $300,000? Are you living in the 1990's? You might find a small closet for that amount.
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