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Slumlords and their tenants

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Slumlords and their tenants

Postby Fedupwrenters15 » Sun Jul 05, 2015 12:02 pm

I live in Tn and the house I live in is owned and paid for. Unfortunately, the houses on either side are rental properties, and the renters that are in them are some of the basest, most ignorant I have ever had the misfortune to come across. The one is a young girl who is too lazy to even pick up her own garbage, and expects the world to revolve around her. If you tenants cannot handle real work like picking up trash and taking care of your landlord's property, along with leaving others alone because no one wants to be bothered with you, rent an apartment, NOT a house. There are too many renters that are completely ignorant about what it means to be a renter and the difference in owning a property and renting one. It's no one else's problem if you renters are too lazy and ignorant to educate yourselves BEFORE renting a place. It is a known fact that rental properties drive the value of the owned homes down once they become rental properties. So if you think you are going to be welcomed with open arms, you had better get your head out of wherever you have it stuck and wake up. The world doesn't revolve around you (the biggest difference between an adult and a child) and it is not going to. Currently, the renter on one side I suspect is doing drugs and has people in and out all of the time; I am continuously harassed because this idiot is so desperate for attention, but, as I said, is too lazy to even pick up her own garbage laying around everywhere and I am hoping for an opportunity to throw the landlords in jail where they belong because of the track record of lowlifes they stick in this rental house because they are desperate for money. They don't check any references on anyone they throw in here, and it is getting old. Tenants and landlords don't need the protection that home owners that have to put up with them do. These are some of the worst "neighbors" anyone could ever have the misfortune to come across. On the other side is a bunch that is every bit just as bad; they have had the police called over there and I wish I had had the slumlord arrested then; another bunch that have NO business renting a house. Trash is everywhere, (if you are too lazy to pick up trash, DO NOT rent a house) and they cuss each other all of the time; they also have a small child around this all of the time. They also want to stand around in the yard putting on a show, desperate for attention. What can I do to get these slumlords and their tenants gone? Anything?
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Re: Slumlords and their tenants

Postby TenantNet » Sun Jul 05, 2015 12:15 pm

You got it folks? Pick up your trash. Don't do drugs. You've been warned. Once Donald Trump is elected President, he'll send you where you belong.
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