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Neighbor Heavy Pot Smoker

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Neighbor Heavy Pot Smoker

Postby NewYorker2016 » Sun Jun 26, 2016 11:40 pm


I'm hoping I can get some solid advice on how to proceed. The tenant next door is a heavy pot smoker, she spends her days and night smoking excessively! Outside of my apartment door their is always a haze of smoke since her apartment is adjacent to my apartment door. I am sick and tired of having to come home from a hard days work and have to walk thru a haze of pot smoke to get into my apartment. I mentioned it to the new Property Manager she claims there isn't anything that the landlord can do since she is smoking in her apartment, which I don't think she know what she is talking. I think my rights as a tenants are being violated, the heavy pot smoke outside of my apartment on a daily basis is creating a nuisance to me and my spouse. It's embarrassing inviting guests and family to my home and having them exposed to the cloud of pot smoke. This tenant tones down her smoking during the week days because she knows that building management can pop up anytime, but on the weekend's she smokes non-stop, not to mention she brings in all sorts of undesirable, unsavory men into her apartment that spend 2-3 days in her apartment smoking all day and all night. I live in a rent stabilized apartment in NYC , is their any agency that can help me to stop this pothead tenant from smoking or have her evicted. Please any suggestions would help!
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Joined: Sun Jun 26, 2016 11:21 pm

Re: Neighbor Heavy Pot Smoker

Postby TenantNet » Mon Jun 27, 2016 1:15 am

If it was cigarettes, it would be up to the tenant's lease and/or house rules. But since it's pot, then yes the LL can do something. In most residential leases there are provisions against illegal behavior. Even if not, it can be considered a nuisance, and that's grounds to file a holdover case against the tenant.

We don't know the extent of the situation, but in our view, smoking grass is not - by itself - a capital crime. I'm assuming you've already spoken to the tenant about this. So the next step would be to have the LL take action, but we would suggest not getting law enforcement involved.
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