Mom 95 years old is Rent Control in a condo building (2 buildings divided by an air shaft. Her 5th floor LR shaft window is opposite her 5th floor neighbor. He is a condo owner who decided to move his stove closer to the window. His cooking smells enters her living room window when they both have their windows opened. Now he has placed a window air conditioner in his shaft window. The distance of his AC is 12 inches from her window. Mom has breathing issues and this is the only LR window she keeps opened for air circulation. She would like him to move his AC to another window so that the units' heat doesn't come into her LR
He is against the idea according to building management. Being that It's only 12 inches distance is there a law about placing ACs in shaftway? She has already made a complaint to the Health and Hygiene Dept about the AC and cooking smells but it will take 8 weeks to complete complaint. Can someone tell me if this is illegal and that inspector will be making a judgement on her neighbor? Thanks.