New York Rent Laws
The Emergency Housing Rent Control Law of 1961 [EHRCL]
Chapter 274 of the laws of 1946 and as amended
generally by chapter 337 of the laws of 1961
"State Rent Control"
The Emergency Housing Rent Control Law (or State Rent Control)
was first enabled in 1946 and amended throughout the years. It
continued Rent Control from the expiring Federal Emergency Price
Control Act (EPCA).
Every attempt has been made to conform to the original document;
TenantNet makes no representation
the enclosed material is current or will be applied as written.
The reader is advised that DHCR often fails to properly apply,
interpret or enforce housing laws. Since housing laws are
complex and often contradictory, it is recommended the reader
obtain competent legal advice from a tenant attorney or
counseling from a tenant association or community group.
Table of Contents
- Section 1: Declaration and findings; termination.
- Section 2: Definitions.
- Section 3: Temporary state housing rent commission.
- Section 4: General powers and duties of the commission.
- Section 5: Evictions.
- Section 6: Investigations; records; reports.
- Section 7: Cooperation with other governmental agencies.
- Section 8: Procedure.
- Section 9: Judicial review.
- Section 10: Prohibitions.
- Section 11: Enforcement.
- Section 12: Application.
- Section 13: Pending proceedings.
- Section 14: Intent.
- Section 15: Separability.
- Section 16: Matters pending before the commission
- Section 17: Short title.