IV. Number of Units in Cooperative and Condominium Plans Accepted
for Filing By the Attorney General’s Office, 1981-1995

             New      Conversion  Conversion          Units in HPD
Year     Construction  Eviction  Non-Evict.   Total  Sponsored Plans

1981        6,926       13,134      4,360    24,420       925
1982        6,096       26,469     16,439    49,004     1,948
1983        4,865       18,009     19,678    42,552       906
1984        4,663        7,432     25,873    37,968       519
1985        9,391        2,276     30,277    41,944       935
1986       11,684          687     39,874    52,245       195
1987        8,460        1,064     35,574    45,098     1,175
1988        9,899        1,006     32,283    43,188     1,159
1989        6,153          137     25,459    31,749       945
1990        4,203          364     14,640    19,207     1,175
1991        1,111          173      1,757     3,041     2,459
1992          793            0        566     1,359     1,674
1993          775           41        134       950       455
1994          393          283        176       852       901
1995          614          426        201     1,241       935

Note: HPD Plans are a subset of all plans and include rehabilitation plans
explaining why HPD plans are higher than the total in some years.

Source: New York State Attorney General's Office, Real Estate Financing.