E.3 Typical Characteristics of Rent Stabilized Buildings in Lenders’ Portfolios, 1995

Lending    Loan-to-Value     Vacancy       Building             Monthly O&M
Institution    Ratio           Loss           Size            Cost per Unit

A-01             65%             4%          11-19                     $360
A-02             70%             5%          20-49                     $338
A-03             65%             5%          50-99                     $300
A-04             60%             6%          11-19   50-55% of Gross Income
A-05             70%             5%          50-99                     $292
A-06             65%             6%          20-49            Not Available
B-05             65%             2%          50-99          Did not Specify
B-27             60%             5%          50-99   48-52% of Gross Income
B-29             60%             3%           1-10            Not Available
B-62             70%             5%          50-99                     $325
B-66             65%    No Response          20-49          Did Not Specify
B-68             60%             5%           1-10                     $235
B-70             65%             1%          50-99                     $550
B-71             65%             5%          50-99       $315 excl RE Taxes
C-02             75%             3%          50-99                     $300
C-05             65%             5%          20-49                     $300
C-09             65%             6%          50-99                     $480
SL-02            65%             5%          20-49            Not Available
SL-07            65%             5%          20-49            Not Available
SL-15            60%    No Response    No Response            Not Available

Avg:             65%           4.6%     mode 50-99                        *

* No monthly average could be computed due to large variations
in responses.

Source: 1995 Rent Guidelines Board Mortgage Survey