E.2 Interest Rates and Terms for New Financing and Refinancing for Lending Institutions Responding in 1994 and 1995

              Interest Rates         Points              Term                  Type
Institution   1995     1994      1995     1994      1995     1994         1995      1994

A-02         10.3%     8.6%       1.0      1.0         5        5          fxd       fxd
B-05          9.5%     7.5%       1.0      1.0         5        5          fxd       fxd
B-27          9.5%     8.1%       1.0      1.0        10       10          fxd       adj
B-62          9.5%     8.5%       1.5      1.5       5+5      5+5      fxd/adj   fxd/adj
B-66      variable     8.5%       1.5      1.8      5-10       10          adj       adj
B-68         9.8%+     9.0%       2.5      2.0     10-15    10-15  fxd/adj/bal   fxd/adj
B-70          9.0%     8.0%       1.0      1.0         5        5          fxd       fxd
B-71         10.0%     7.8%       1.0      1.0         5        5          fxd       fxd
C-02         10.0%     8.0%       1.0      1.0        30       30          fxd       fxd
C-05        11.25%    8.75%       .75      1.0         5      5+5          fxd   fxd/adj
C-09         10.1%     8.1%       1.5      1.5      7-25     7-25          fxd       fxd
SL-15        10.3%     8.0%       1.5      1.5        15       15          adj       adj

Avg           9.9%     8.2%       1.3      1.3      10.1     10.3

Note: The difference between new interest rate and refinancing
interest rate is negligible.

Source: 1994 and 1995 Rent Guidelines Board Mortgage Surveys.