D.1: Occupancy Status

Note: The following table originally spanned two pages in width. To facilitate screen display, the left portion of the table is displayed first followed by the right portion. The row headings are repeated. Portions of this display are formatted for more than 80 columns.
                                All        Owner        Renter   Stabilized
                             units+        units         units        units

Number of Units           2,985,527      827,001     2,047,016    1,013,097

Occupied Units            2,783,150      806,479     1,976,671      979,026

  Bronx                     412,329       84,564       327,765      177,338
  Brooklyn                  816,602      219,879       596,723      254,743
  Manhattan                 708,215      126,974       581,241      355,310
  Queens                    709,537      289,360       420,176      182,180
  Staten Island             136,469       85,703        50,766        9,455

Vacant Units                202,377       20,522        70,345       34,071

  Vacant, for rent or sale   90,867       20,522        70,345       34,071

  Bronx                      17,043        3,423        13,620        7,045
  Brooklyn                   25,284        5,269        20,015        9,004
  Manhattan                  26,881        5,668        21,213       12,807
  Queens                     19,105        5,801        13,304        4,871
  Staten Island               2,554          361         2,193          344

  Asking Rent
  < $300                          -            -         1,851          524
  $300-$399                       -            -         2,063        1,384
  $400-$499                       -            -         5,403        3,806
  $500-$599                       -            -        12,981        8,328
  $600-$699                       -            -         9,579        4,729
  $700-$799                       -            -         8,633        3,343
  $800-$899                       -            -         5,717        1,738
  $900-$999                       -            -         3,268        1,606
  $1000-$1249                     -            -         4,527        2,117
  $1250 +                         -            -         3,249        1,624
  (Not Reported)           (13,073)            -      (13,073)      (4,871)

  Vacant,not for rent/sale  111,510            -             -            -

  Bronx                      11,860            -             -            -
  Brooklyn                   26,254            -             -            -
  Manhattan                  48,170            -             -            -
  Queens                     21,658            -             -            -
  Staten Island               3,568            -             -            -

  Dilapidated                 5,136            -             -            -
  Rented - Not Yet Occupied   9,788            -             -            -
  Sold - Not Yet Occupied     4,401            -             -            -
  Undergoing Renovation      11,427            -             -            -
  Awaiting Renovation        11,167            -             -            -
  Non-Residential Use         1,220            -             -            -
  Legal Dispute               7,915            -             -            -
  Awaiting Conversion           626            -             -            -
  Held for Occasional Use    39,603            -             -            -
  Unable to Rent or Sell      4,211            -             -            -
  Held Pending Sale of Bldg   2,534            -             -            -
  Held for Demolition             0            -             -            -
  Held for Other Reasons     12,246            -             -            -
  (Not Reported)            (1,235)            -             -            -


                    Rent Stab. Units      Rent   Mitchell-   Public      Other       Other
                    Pre-’47  Post-’46    Contr.      Lama   Housing   Regulated*   Rentals**

Number of Units     735,412   277,685   101,798    81,677   175,362     93,491     580,891

Occupied Units      707,878   271,148   101,798    79,138   173,561     91,022     552,126

Bronx               147,090    30,248    10,284    23,123    37,565     22,751      56,703
Brooklyn            203,140    51,603    26,666    17,068    59,673     24,014     214,560
Manhattan           279,154    76,155    47,309    26,077    54,164     37,396      60,985
Queens               76,008   106,172    16,501    12,870    16,839      5,241     186,545
Staten Island         2,486     6,970     1,037         0     5,321      1,619      33,333

Vacant Units         27,534     6,537         0      2539      1801       2469      29,465

Vacant,for rent/sale 27,534     6,537         0      2539      1801       2469      29,465

Bronx                 6,706       339         -       323       508      1,002        4742
Brooklyn              7,910     1,094         -     1,234       344        347        9086
Manhattan            11,200     1,607         -       561       949      1,121        5775
Queens                1,719     3,152         -       421         0          0        8013
Staten Island             0       344         -         0         0          0        1849

Asking Rent
< $300                  524         0         -       179       349        799           0
$300-$399             1,384         0         -         0         0        317         362
$400-$499             3,015       791         -         0         0        168       1,429
$500-$599             7,093     1,234         -       884       188         84       3,498
$600-$699             3,846       883         -       401         0         69       4,380
$700-$799             2,965       378         -       175         0          0       5,115
$800-$899             1,595       142         -       380         0          0       3,599
$900-$999               421     1,185         -         0         0          0       1,662
$1000-$1249           1,975       143         -         0         0          0       2,409
$1250 +                 911       713         -         0         0          0       1,625
(Not Reported)      (3,803)   (1,068)         -     (520)   (1,264)    (1,032)     (5,386)

Vacant,not for rent/sale  -         -         -         -         -          -           -

Bronx                     -         -         -         -         -          -           -
Brooklyn                  -         -         -         -         -          -           -
Manhattan                 -         -         -         -         -          -           -
Queens                    -         -         -         -         -          -           -
Staten Island             -         -         -         -         -          -           -

Dilapidated               -         -         -         -         -          -           -
Rented - Not Yet Occupied -         -         -         -         -          -           -
Sold - Not Yet Occupied   -         -         -         -         -          -           -
Undergoing Renovation     -         -         -         -         -          -           -
Awaiting Renovation       -         -         -         -         -          -           -
Non-Residential Use       -         -         -         -         -          -           -
Legal Dispute             -         -         -         -         -          -           -
Awaiting Conversion       -         -         -         -         -          -           -
Held for Occasional Use   -         -         -         -         -          -           -
Unable to Rent or Sell    -         -         -         -         -          -           -
Held Pending Sale of Bldg -         -         -         -         -          -           -
Held for Demolition       -         -         -         -         -          -           -
Held for Other Reasons    -         -         -         -         -          -           -
(Not Reported)            -         -         -         -         -          -           -

+ All housing units, including owner-occupied, renter-occupied,
vacant for rent, vacant for sale, and vacant unavailable.

* Other Regulated Rentals encompass In Rem units, as well as
those regulated by HUD, Article 4 and the New York City Loft Board.

** Other Rentals encompass dwellings which have never been regulated,
units which have been deregulated (including those in buildings with
fewer than 6 apartments) and unregulated rentals in cooperatives
or condominiums.