Table 7

Median Household Incomes
New York City, 1992 and 1995

1992(b) 1995(b) Percent Change 1992-1995
In current dollars
All households $23,000 $25,000 +8.7%
All renters $19,005 $20,000 +5.2
All owners $40,195 $45,000 +12.0
CPI(a) 150.0 162.2 +8.1
In 1995 dollars
All households $24,871 $25,000 +0.5
All renters $20,551 $20,000 -2.7
All owners $43,464 $45,000 +3.5

Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1993 and 1996 New York City Housing and Vacancy Surveys.


(a) Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers for New York- Northeast New Jersey-Long Island (1982-84=100), yearly average, Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor.

(b) For the 1993 HVS, the Census Bureau applied an income estimation method that resulted in household income being reported in some situations where one or more individuals in the household did not report one or more of seven types of income. (For information on the seven sources of income, see Housing New York City 1993, Appendix E: 1993 New York City Housing and Vacancy Survey Questionnaire.) The Census Bureau is imputing missing income for the 1996 HVS using basically the same method as that used for the 1990 Census and the Current Population Survey. The Census Bureau will provide imputed comparable 1993 and 1996 income data this summer. In the absence of imputed income data, and to insure complete comparability between 1993 and 1996, the income data from both surveys presented in this table are estimated by applying the method the Census Bureau used for the 1993 HVS. However, caution should be used in interpreting income data from this table, since, when the process of imputing missing income data is complete, the final income figures for 1993 and1996 will be different, and the change in income between 1993and 1996 could also be different. See the accompanying official letter from the Census Bureau for additional explanation and technical information.