Table 4

Rent Stabilized Vacant Units and Vacancy Rates
New York City, 1993 and 1996

1993 1996
All Vacant for Rent Units 70,345 81,256
34,071 37,549
27,534 29,381
6,537 8,168

 Net Vacancy Rate (Percent)

1993 1996
All Rental Units 3.44%(b) 4.01%(b)
Stabilized 3.36 3.57
3.74 3.85
2.35 2.83

Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1993 and 1996 New York City Housing and Vacancy Surveys.


(a) The vacancy rate is calculated by dividing vacant available for rent units that are not dilapidated by the sum of vacant available for rent units that are not dilapidated and renter-occupied units.

(b)The standard error of the vacancy rate for all renter units was 0.21 percent in 1996 and was 0.19 percent in 1993.