1993 NYC Housing and Vacancy Survey

Respondent Reported Rent Control Status
Total Renter Controlled Total Stabilized Stabilized Pre-47 Stabilized Post-46 Mitchell Lama Public Housing All Other Renter
TOTAL 1976671 101798 979026 707878 271148 79138 173561 643149
Rent Controlled 263139 60518 131541 108656 22885 7048 28300 35731
Rent Stabilized 452913 9692 360121 231948 128173 15480 23058 44563
Neither of the Above 696587 11544 215666 163851 51816 34756 58894 375727
Do Not Know 460399 13796 232452 177364 55088 18582 55454 140116
No Cash Rent 41665 3216 14528 8975 5552 585 0 23336
Not Reported 61968 3032 24718 17084 7634 2687 7856 23675