1993 NYC Housing and Vacancy Survey

Coop/Condo Status of Building Development
Total Renter Controlled Total Stabilized Stabilized Pre-47 Stabilized Post-46 Mitchell Lama Public Housing All Other Renter
TOTAL 1976671 101798 979026 707878 271148 79138 173561 643149
No, Not Coop/Condo 1765235 86981 888904 675190 213714 68154 173561 547634
Yes, Condo 42961 1874 15190 3489 11701 881 0 25016
Yes, Coop 142914 12465 57886 21121 36765 9629 0 62934
Do Not Know 23331 477 15707 7375 8332 474 0 6673
Not Reported 2231 0 1339 704 636 0 0 891