1993 NYC Housing and Vacancy Survey

Households Receiving SCRIE
Total Renter Controlled Total Stabilized Stabilized Pre-47 Stabilized Post-46 Mitchell Lama Public Housing All Other Renter
TOTAL 1976671 101798 979026 707878 271148 79138 173561 643149
Households With Any Member 62+ 452223 68804 186435 111861 74574 25670 53136 118178
Yes 54704 10517 27078 16114 10964 3330 5798 7982
No 297820 45955 119874 72267 47606 17107 36218 78667
Do Not Know 99699 12332 39483 23480 16003 5234 11120 31529
Households With No Members 62+ 1524449 32994 792591 596017 196574 53467 120425 524971