1993 NYC Housing and Vacancy Survey

Age of Householder
Total Renter Controlled Total Stabilized Stabilized Pre-47 Stabilized Post-46 Mitchell Lama Public Housing All Other
TOTAL 1976671 101798 979026 707878 271148 79138 173561 643149
Under 25 years 105493 1487 56924 46605 10318 2695 7218 37170
25 to 34 479371 2313 245144 191968 53176 10879 28381 192654
35 to 44 481700 6142 259167 194839 64329 15233 33843 167315
45 to 54 303828 11722 160829 114732 46097 14630 30067 86580
55 to 61 149142 12220 68752 48112 20639 8018 19533 40619
62 to 64 61516 5477 27879 20249 7630 4007 7113 17040
65 to 74 187967 26166 78834 46765 32069 9364 25526 48076
75 to 84 117121 22303 43543 22152 21391 7767 14375 29133
85 years and older 41325 11383 14112 6792 7319 3149 2923 9758
Not reported 49208 2584 23842 15663 8178 3397 4582 14804
Median 42 70 41 40 46 52 50 40
Mean 47.3 66.9 45.7 43.9 50.3 54.2 52 44.5