Briefing Book:

A Briefing Book



Arthur D. Little, Inc., 1985. The Owners of New York's Rental
Housing: A Profile. Report to the Rent Stabilization Association
of New York City.

Arthur D. Little, Inc., 1986. A Tale of Two Cities: Rent
Regulation in New York City. Does All New York Benefit Equally?
Report to the Rent Stabilization Association of New York City.

Baar, Kenneth K., 1983. "Guidelines for Drafting Rent Control
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Summer 1983, pp. 723-885.

Bratt, Rachel G., Chester Hartman, and Ann Meyerson, eds., 1988.
Critical Perspectives on Housing. Philadelphia: Temple University

City-wide Task Force on Housing Court and Community Training and
Resource Center, 1993. Housing Court, Evictions and Homelessness:
The Costs and Benefits of Establishing a Right to Counsel. New
York City Citywide Task Force on Housing Court and Community
Training and Resource Center.

Devine, Richard J., 1987. Who Benefits form Rent Control? San
Francisco, California: Center for Community Change.

Downs, Anthony, 1988. Residential Rent Control: An Evaluation.
Wash. , DC: The Urban Land Institute.

Eastin, Richard V., 1977. Rent Control: A Survey of the
Theoretical and Empirical Findings. University of Southern
California: Center for the Study of Financial Institutions.

Felstein, Carol and Michael A. Stegman, 1987. Toward the 21st
Century: Housing in New York City. New York: Commission for the
Year 2000.

Gilderbloom, John I., 1983. "The Impact of Moderate Rent Control
in New Jersey: An Empirical Study of 26 Rent Controlled Cities,"
Urban Analysis, 7, 135-154.

Gilderbloom, John I., 1980. Moderate Rent Control: The
Experiences of New York City. Washington DC: Conference on
Alternative State and Local Policies, Public Policy Report Number

Gilderbloom, John I. and Richard P. Appelbaum, 1988. Rethinking
Rental Housing. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

Gyourko, Joseph and Peter Linneman, 1989. "Equity and Efficiency
Aspects of Rent Control: An Empirical Study of New York City,"
Journal of Urban Economics, 26, 54-74.

Keating, Dennis, 1987. "Landlord Self-Regulation: New York City's
Rent Stabilization System, 1969-1985." Journal of Urban and
Contemporary Law, Vol. 31, No. 77.

Linneman, Peter, 1987. "The Effect of Rent Control on the
Distribution of Income Among New York City Renters," Journal of
Urban Economics, 22, 14-34.

Luger, Michael I., 1984. "The Rent Control Paradox: Some
Explanations and Prescriptions." Durham, NC: Institute of Policy
Sciences and Public Affairs, Duke University.

Marcuse, Peter, 1981. Housing Abandonment: Does Rent Control Make
a Difference? Washington DC: Conference on Alternative State and
Local Policies, Public Policy Report Number 4.

Marcuse, Peter, 1986. The Uses and Limits of Rent Regulation. New
York City: Community Training and Resource Center.

New York City Rent Guidelines Board, 1989. Rent Stabilized
Housing in New York City: A Summary of Rent Guidelines Board
Research, 1989. New York City: New York City Rent Guidelines

New York City Rent Guidelines Board, 1991. Rent Stabilized
Housing in New York City: A Summary of Rent Guidelines Board
Research, 1991. New York City: New York City Rent Guidelines

New York City Rent Guidelines Board, 1992. Rent Stabilized
Housing in New York City: A Summary of Rent Guidelines Board
Research, 1992. New York City: New York City Rent Guidelines

New York State Assembly, June 1987. Bleak House: DHCR at the
Crossroads (Findings and Recommendations of the Joint Assembly
Committees' Investigation of Rent Administration in New York
State). Albany New York State Assembly.

New York State Temporary Commission on Rental Housing, 1980.
Report of the New York State Temporary Commission on Rental
Housing, Volumes 1 and 2. New York City: New York State Temporary
Commission on Rental Housing.

Niebanck, Paul L., 1985. The Rent Control Debate. Chapel Hill:
University of North Carolina Press.

Peat Marwick, 1988. A Financial Analysis of Rent Regulation in
New York City: Cost and Opportunities. Final Report to the Rent
Stabilization Association of New York City.

Rent Stabilization Association, 1992. "Viability of the Rental
Industry and the Future of New York: With Recommendations for
Action" (A Submission to the New York City Rent Guidelines Board
Relative to Order No. 24). New York City Rent Stabilization

Roistacher, Elizabeth, 1991. Reforming Residential Rent
Regulation. New York City: Citizens Budget Commission.

Rosenberg, Terry J., 1992. Poverty in New York City, 1991:A
Research Bulletin. New York City: Community Service Society.

Stegman, Michael A., 1982. The Dynamics of Rental Housing in New
York City. New York City: Department of Housing Preservation and

Stegman, Michael A., 1988. Housing and Vacancy Report, New York
City, 1987. New York City: Department of Housing Preservation and

Sternlieb, George with James W. Hughes, 1973. Housing and People
in New York City. New York City: Housing and Development
Administration, Department of Rent and Housing Maintenance.

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, September 1991.
Report to Congress on Rent Control. Washington DC: U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Weitzman, Phillip, 1989. Worlds Apart: Housing, Race/Ethnicity
and Income in New York City, 1978-1987. New York City Community
Service Soc. of New York.