Minimum Standards

Basic Equipment & Facilities For Rental Housing

Division Of Student Affairs; Western Michigan University

The following provisions are from Chapter 17, Article V, Section 83-88 of the Housing Code of the City of Kalamazoo.

Water-Heating Equipment

Every dwelling should have portable water-heating equipment that is properly installed and maintained. It should be capable of heating water to at least 120 degrees Fahrenheit when drawn from any source.


Bedrooms should have latchable doors. There should be at least one electrical outlet and one ceiling or wall light fixture. Each bedroom should have a permanent source to the rest of the dwelling without passing through another bedroom or a bathroom.

Kitchen Facilities

Kitchen units should contain the following:

Bathroom Facilities

Bathrooms should contain the following:

Common Areas

Corridors should be illuminated at all times. There should be lighted exit signs when the building serves an area of 5,000 square feet or more.

Electrical outlets supplying laundry equipment should be grounded or the appliance should be grounded. Washers should not discharge into the floor drains. Gas dryers should be vented to the outside.

All common areas should be secured from access by unauthorized persons, and doors supplied with hardware and locks.

Areas used for storage, equipment, and/or utility service should be supplied with lighting.

Nothing should be stored in a common area without the owner's consent.

3510 Faunce Student Services Bldg.
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5077
Phone: (616) 387-2336
Fax: (616) 387-2325

Original HTML by Timothy Strunk