City of Takoma Park: Department of Housing and Community Development

                Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Law

     Most tenants residing in Takoma Park must be given the first
opportunity to purchase the rental property in which they live, if
the property is being sold.  This notice should be given within 7
days of the date that the property is put on the market and within
7 days after every third party contract.  The only two exceptions
to this are:

     1.  if the tenant resides in an "accessory apartment", which
is defined as a second or third rental unit either in or added to
an existing owner-occupied one family residence located in a single
family zone (Mont. Co.) or in a separate accessory structure on the
same lot as an owner-occupied one family residence used as a
complete independent living facility (PG Co.) or;

     2.  if a tenant resides in a single family house or dwelling
containing less than five rental units and it is being sold to a
family member.

     The notice to a tenant regarding the sale of the property must
be in writing and be sent by first class mail or personally
delivered and should include the following information:
     - the asking price and material terms of the sale,

     - a statement that the tenant has the right to purchase,

     - a statement as to whether a third party contract exists.  If
       one exists, a copy of the contract must be attached to the
       written offer, 

     - a statement that the owner will make available to the tenant 
       or tenant assoc. within 7 days of receiving a written      
       request for the information: floor plan of the building,   
       itemized list of monthly operating expenses, most recent   
       rent report, list of tenants and list of vacant apts. and  

     - the name and address of the party that the tenant must     
       contact to pursue purchase.

     For rental facilities with 2-4 units, tenants may respond
jointly or individually to an offer of sale.  For facilities with
5 or more units, interest must be expressed through a tenants
association which represents at least one third of the occupied
rental units. (Please see other side for time lines on response

     Anyone believing that their rights under the Tenant
Opportunity to Purchase Law have been violated may contact the
Office on Landlord Tenant Affairs at (301) 270-5900 for follow up
and may then seek remedy through a civil action filed with a court
of competent jurisdiction if compliance is not attained.