DHCR Staff Roster (Winter 1996)

NYS Division of Housing and Community Renewal

This is a copy of the DHCR Staff Roster dated Winter 1996. As DHCR is currently in a state of upheaval, it’s very possible this listing may already be out of date. TenantNet assumes no responsibility for incorrect information. Tenants are advised to not call individual case processors as ex parte communications are improper and may work against you. You may make inquiries from the various Bureau Chiefs regarding issues of general policy or hypothetical fact patterns. You may also make inquiries regarding procedural matters and case status. You should keep your requests reasonable and succinct, else you may have to wait another ten years for a decision.

Even though many that direct DHCR policy have made no secret of their favoritism towards landlords, there are many committed and fair individuals at DHCR and you should not take your frustrations out on them only because they work for DHCR.

As DHCR Commissioner Joseph Holland and Deputy Commissioner Paul Roldan have both committed to "enhanced services for the agency's 'customers,'" in that spirit we believe it entirely appropriate to make this information available to the general public. Much of this information can also be obtained pursuant to the Public Officer's Law, (section 87(3)) which requires each agency to compile a record setting forth the name, public office address, title and salary of every officer or employee of the agency.

DHCR Staff Roster (Complete, about 103k)

DHCR Staff Roster -- Individual Departments