Division of Housing and Community Renewal

Organizational Chart (as of January 1994)
Note: this has changed since January 1, 1995

DHCR is a large state agency that covers
much more than just Rent Regulation, which
is administered by the Office of Rent
Administration (ORA) -- see bottom of the chart
for ORA breakdown which we hope to provide

| Commissioner |
     |                                |
     |                                |-----Deputy Inspector General
     |                                |
     |                                |-----Internal Audit
     |                                |
     |                                |-----Community Affairs &
     |                                      Affirmative Action Progs.
| Executive Deputy Commissioner |
     |                                |
     |                                |-----Policy
     |                                |     ---------------------
     |                                |     o Policy Analysis
     |                                |     o Research & Planning
     |                                |     o Intergovernmental Relations
     |                                |
     |                                |
     |                                |-----Communications
     |                                |     ---------------------
     |                                      o Policy Publication
     |                                      o Special Events
     |                                      o Public Information
---- | --------------------------------------------------------------------
     |                                |
     |                                |-----Administration
     |                                |     ---------------------
     |                                |     o Budget and Finance
     |                                |     o Housing Information Systems
     |                                |     o Human Resource
     |                                |     o Management Evaluation & Planning
     |                                |     o Support Services
     |                                |
     |                                |-----Community Development
     |                                |     ---------------------
     |                                |     o Program Management
     |                                |     o Program Operations
     |                                |
     |                                |-----Housing
     |                                |     ---------------------
     |                                |     o Housing Management
     |                                |     o Engineering Construction &
     |                                |       Architectural Services
     |                                |     o Building Codes
     |                                |     o Construction Defects
     |                                |     o Housing Audits and Accounts
     |                                |     o Subsidy Services
     |                                |     o Mobile Homes
     |                                |
     |                                |-----Legal Affairs
     |                                |     ---------------------
     |                                |     o General Law
     |                                |     o Rent Litigation
     |                                |     o Albany Community Development
     |                                |     o Special Counsel for Uniform Codes
     |                                |     o Anti Drug Program
     |                                |
                                      |-----Rent Administration
                                      |     ---------------------
                                      |     o Quality Assurance
                                      |     o Policy and Liaison
                                      |     o SCORE (Services Compliance
                                      |       Owner-Restoration Enforcement)
                                      |     o Rent Control/ETPA
                                      |     o Owner Multiple Applications
                                      |     o Overcharge & Complaints
                                      |     o Management Services
